
A ray of hope

munsho munsho · 3 years ago · 508 views
To help Gospel musicians
A ray of hope

A ray of hope for upcoming Cameroonian gospel musicians

One of the tools for evangelism for Christians is music, and the Bible thus talk a lot on music as a beautiful fragrant in God’s presence 1 chronicles 25:1- 31 and Psalms 96:1 to name a few, so the importance of music can not be over emphasised , or undercook according to the Bible .

Over the year Cameroon has been blessed with powerful gospel talented musicians, who have impacted lives and transformed personalities while preaching the good news of our lord Jesus Christ, artists such as proper Menko, Elizabeth Tekeh and prosper Germoh, and a host of others

It is not news to Cameroonians that gospel artist have to battle with a listenership of the population, some of those artists as talented and skilled full as they lack finances ,because their work is not exposed enough to the public to earn income for further releases, even the audio platforms available have step and middlemen which might be tedious for them to follow, and their music on the world's stage is overshadowed by “ancienne” in the field

Some artists and musicians are not given the platforms to showcase their God-given talent, and even when they are opportune ,the high cost of such platforms scares them away

Gospel musicians at times have only audios and the platforms available such as YouTube are video platforms which will not entertain their content on the platforms.

But in all as the Bible says , And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

A Cameroonian audio streaming platform called Mardplay has surfaced to solve of the struggle of our Cameroon gospel artists,

Artist no longer need to struggle for recognition, the app helps them to sell and keep a huge cut from their earnings ,thereby eliminating the aggregators and record labels ,which will help them produce even more albums because they earn much,

And even more exciting, they can still put their content free and enable their DONATION, a feature which gives them possibility to receive money from people on the platform who which to support them to grow

A ray of hope indeed, which is installed for Cameroonian Gospel Artists on Mardplay .



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